Um guia rápido para Religião Comparada. No shit !
ATHEISM: No shit
BUDDHISM: "If shit happens, it really isn't shit."
CALVINISM: Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.
CATHOLICISM: Shit happens because you are BAD.
CEREMONIAL MAGIC: I Can make shit Happen.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Shit is only in your mind.
CONFUCIANISM: Confucius say: "shit happens."
EXISTENSIALISM: What is this shit anyway?
FUNDAMENTALISM: BIG shit will happen... SOON!
HARE KRISHNA: Shit happens Rama Rama.
HEDONISM: There's nothing like good shit happening.
HINDUISM: This shit happened before.
ISLAM: "If shit happens, it is the will of Allah."
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Let us save you from the shit.
JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen to US?
MOONIES: Only happy shit really happens.
MORMONISM: If shit happens, you have two wives to blame it on.
NEW AGE: Visualize no shit happening.
PAGANISM: Shit is a part of the Goddess too!
PROTESTANTISM: Shit won't happen if I work harder.
QUAKERS: "No shit here, please."
RASTAFARIANISM: Let's smoke some shit.
SCIENTOLOGY: Feces Occurs.
STOICISM: Shit is good for me.
7TH DAY ADVENTISTS: No shit on Saturdays.
TAOISM: Shit happens.
TELEVANGELISM: Send money or shit will happen to you!
WICCANISM: "Oh shit, I got that spell wrong again."
ZEN: What is the sound of shit happening?
ZOROASTRIANISM: Shit happens half the time.
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