Niveis de Leitura
Por vezes quando estou a brincar estou a falar a sério.
Por vezes quando estou a falar a sério estou a brincar.
E por vezes, tanto num caso como noutro, aquilo que escrevo tem mais que uma leitura.
Em relação ao post anterior: acusações feitas aos Templários:
Amongst these charges were
the following: 1. That on the admission of a new member of the order, after having taken the oath
of obedience, he was obliged to deny Christ, and to spit, and sometimes also to trample, upon
the cross; 2. That they then received the kiss of the templar, who officiated as receiver, on the
mouth, and afterwards were obliged to kiss him in ano, on the navel, and sometimes on the gen-
erative member;
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